LOOKING FOR ADVICE YOU CAN TRUST FROM A Southwest California Tax Professional?
WE GET IT. AND WE CAN HELP.Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes.
But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!
Tax Services
Tax Planning For Big Savings
Tax Problem Resolution
Bankruptcy Options That Work
What Does The IRS “Have” On You
Non-Filed Returns–Done For You
For Small Businesses
“Reset” Your QuicksBooks
Accounting Done For You
Additional Services
Expert Advice
Darryl A. Hale, EA, MBA, MST’s Seven End of Year Tax Planning Strategies
Here we are, a week past the election, and it's looking like the year 2000 all over again, with a long, drawn-out process until there is final certification of this election. Back then, it took a full five weeks for all of the legal process to play out. Hopefully, by...
Top Hat Tax & Financial Services’s thoughts on Healthy Skepticism in light of the 2020 Election
Believe it or not, we're very busy around here.While the nation's eyes are fixated on political things, we're spending our days working hard on behalf of our clients right here in San Diego (and beyond, of course), talking through tax-advantaged financial moves,...
Effective Financial Documentation Strategies for San Diego Taxpayers
A few timely things to get to, before I offer you my thoughts on a good task for you to do this week...First of all, the IRS has apparently caught up on processing their backlogged mail that stacked up during COVID closures. Or, well enough, they say.That means that...